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Minggu, 16 April 2017


SCIENTISTS HAVE PEERED INTO A BLACK HOLE AND TAKEN A PHOTO OF ITS EVENT HORIZON FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME. From the initial image returned, scientists should be able to test relativity. “If you know the mass of the black hole—and for Sagittarius A* we know that well—and if you know the distance of the black hole, which again we know well, then relativity predicts you will see that shadow and ring and that the ring will have a certain diameter and it will be near circular. That’s a test of relativity. If the shape isn’t circular or the wrong size, then relativity has made a prediction that has failed. That’s the first thing we’ll look at.” (Event Horizon Telescope)
Event horizon telescope will be useless; the same as radio telescope (VLBI), LIGO's twin detector and other. Einstein’s gravity (general relativity) was totally wrong (Astronomical Data Prove Spacetime Fiction)
Eclipse’s Data of 1919 -1973 Verify Einstein’s Prediction Really Doesn’t Work

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