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Minggu, 16 April 2017


SCIENTISTS HAVE PEERED INTO A BLACK HOLE AND TAKEN A PHOTO OF ITS EVENT HORIZON FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME. From the initial image returned, scientists should be able to test relativity. “If you know the mass of the black hole—and for Sagittarius A* we know that well—and if you know the distance of the black hole, which again we know well, then relativity predicts you will see that shadow and ring and that the ring will have a certain diameter and it will be near circular. That’s a test of relativity. If the shape isn’t circular or the wrong size, then relativity has made a prediction that has failed. That’s the first thing we’ll look at.” (Event Horizon Telescope)
Event horizon telescope will be useless; the same as radio telescope (VLBI), LIGO's twin detector and other. Einstein’s gravity (general relativity) was totally wrong (Astronomical Data Prove Spacetime Fiction)
Eclipse’s Data of 1919 -1973 Verify Einstein’s Prediction Really Doesn’t Work

The Event Horizon Telescope, actually a network of telescopes across the world, has successfully completed its highly-anticipated ten-day-long observation period. Researchers pointed the array of dishes at the center of our galaxy and the M87 galaxy in order to snap pictures of some black holes. That’s really exciting! It’s awesome! We will maybe soon see a real image of a black hole! But not for, you know, a bunch of months.

You’ve probably seen lots of really beautiful images of black holes this week. Here’s one. And here’s another one, and there’s one here and another one here. You, readers, already know that these are just beautiful artist renderings and simulations. But your less science-inclined friends or relatives might just see a headline along the lines of “We’ve just finished taking a picture of a black hole,” see the artist rendition, and say, wow. Black holes are so beautiful, how did they get the camera so close?

Yes, the Event Horizon Telescope successfully collected data for the past week and a half. All of the scopes in the network recorded the radio waves emanating from the center of the galaxy, where the supermassive black hole Sagittarius A* is believed to reside. Things went well, with the exception of some bad weather here and there. But now, the scientists must take their data back to supercomputers, line up those light sources, and run special algorithms to get the final picture. As we previously reported, this will happen later this year at the earliest, but we may need another cycle of observation before we get our first true image of a black hole.

No matter what the Event Horizon Telescope sees, it will be amazing. But if you see any images like these around, just know that they do not depict the outcome of the Event Horizon Telescope’s observing run. The following are not photos of black holes.

This is not a photo of a black hole. This is a computer-generated image of what a black hole might look like, and how its gravity might distort the light around it.

This is not a photo of a black hole. This is an artist’s depiction of how matter might be ripped and radiate energy as it orbits the black hole’s high-gravity center.

This is not a photo of a black hole. This is, again, an artist’s depiction of matter orbiting and being torn apart by a black hole’s gravity.

STEPHEN HAWKING: ‘BLACK HOLES AIN’T AS BLACK AS THEY WERE PAINTED'.This has been an outstanding problem in theoretical physics for the last 40 years,” Hawking told a much smaller audience of top physicists at the conference, organized by University of North Carolina physicist Laura Mersini-Houghton and dedicated to tackling this paradox. As of yet, Hawking said, “no satisfactory resolution has been advanced.”
At the core of the information paradox is the tension between two theories of nature, which are “perhaps the two most successful theories in the history of science,” says Dan Hooper, a theoretical astrophysicist at Fermilab.
On one hand is general relativity, which says that anything that enters a black hole is lost in the immense power of its gravity and that a black hole eventually destroys any information—location, velocity and orientation, for example—about what it has swallowed up, including the star that birthed the black hole. On the other hand stands the theory of quantum mechanics, which says that information can never be lost.(Stephen Hawking-Black Holes ).

Both of two law or two principle that are contradict both can be wrong; can not both be true, but only one can be true.

Event Horizon Telescope
A long standing goal in astrophysics is to directly observe the immediate environment of a black hole with angular resolution comparable to the event horizon.Realizing this goal would open a new window on the study of general relativity in the strong field regime, accretion and outflow processes at the edge of a black hole, the existence of an event horizon, and fundamental black hole physics. Steady long-term progress on improving the capability of Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) at short wavelengths has now made it extremely likely that this goal will be achieved within the next decade.(


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